So as some of you guessed, we bought scooter!! Although, I really want to know who the hell guessed that we bought a rat!! Seriously!! You think I'm gonna buy a rat?! The person who is scared to death of grasshoppers is gonna buy a rodent? Nope, nope, nope...
Sorry... got side tracked. Back to the scooter.
We decided that it was a wise investment since we were spending so much money on taking public transit. We can drive over a week on a tanks worth of gas and that only cost $100 NT ($3 US)... we figure we were spending 2-3 times as much as that easily. This way we can go to the store when we want or hurry and run errands and it doesn't take us hours and we don't have to figrure out what 3 buses to take to get there. So all in all we're happy.
So here we are!!! Now before you all go and have a cow. First off we were at the park in tha parking lot. Second - We NEVER go anywhere without helmets!!! We all have them!! Third - We typically don't drive with the kids and we never drive with more than one of them... no matter how much they beg us to. People here drive like this all the time, and sometimes have four people on it at one time!! I will take a picture and show you - oh, oh, oh, don't forget the dogs too.... they ride as well!!
Anyway you may be asking why did we buy a yellow one? Because most scooters are blue, red, black, or grey. And when I park it, I want to be able to find it again. The picture below only shows a few scooters. Try finding yours when you park in a parking garage with over 200!!
We had to take a driving test in order to be legal. The written wasn't too hard... of course we did actually study for it. And no it wasn't in Chinese, they had an English version. John didn't even have to take the written because he already had his drivers license. But I passed!! Yeah me!!
Okay, so now let's talk about the driven part of the test. It was much harder than it looked. Below you see the course. Yes, it's all there. Now don't get too cocky, it was difficult... at least in the little world that I've constructed for myself...
First off you have to drive straight about 50 meters down a path that's about a foot and a half wide. See the green path by the railing - it's outlined in yellow. You can't put your feet down and you can't go out of bounds. If you do, a lovely little siren goes off letting everyone know that you suck and can't do it. Oh let's not forget the red flashing light (like the kind ontop of a police car), yes we musn't forget that it gets to scream it's laughter at you as well. Not to mention that you have to take at least 7 seconds to do this in. I can walk 50 meters in 7 seconds let alone ride a bike!!
Then the path widens about a foot (amazing how much a foot gives you) and you make various stops at a stop light, railroad tracks, etc. That's it!! And you get two attempts. You think it's be cake huh? Yeah not so much!!
Of course we failed!! I never knew how hard it could be.
Then you have to wait 7 days before you can take it again. I passed the second time I took it. The kick in the ass is that you have to pay every time you take it!!
Here's John getting lined up to take on the eliminator.
... and here's John flunking... in fact it took him 4 times (not four attempts, but four different weeks) before he passed. He he, let me gloat for just a second.... okay done.
Yes, yes, it was a strong hit to his ego. Especially when he had to ride bitch while I drove. Then to top it all off... one day he was driving (because face it license or no, he's still a better driver with two people on the bike) and we get pulled over for an illegal U turn... anyway, the policeman was nice and didn't give him the $6000 ticket for not having a license, but he did get the U turn one.
Now I drive to work everyday, which isn't bad, but driving home is another story. I now know that I could drive for the FBI. In fact, I'm not so sure that the requirement for driving for the FBI isn't to see if you can make it home driving in rush hour traffic in Taipei. I'll try to tape it one day and post it. That's a little more difficult to do, we'll see what happens.
We love and miss everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vroom Vroom!!