Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tid Bits

Jordan has a store "JoJoba" - we always call her Jo Jo Bar....
She actually has two - there's another one called
'Naturally JoJo'

And we just found Casey's store the other day....
We're still looking for Ashton's

Is it a sale... huh? huh? huh?.... no just people waiting for the grocery store to open!

Here is a picture of me and my first graders English class...
My 3rd, 4th, & 5th, graders were too cool to get their pictures taken.
Out of necessity comes... well... a picture for me!!!
They shut down the ENTIRE COUNTRY for 20 minutes the other day as part of a military drill ... They didn't allow anyone to be on the streets... It was great for people watching... We sat and watched the nice little police officers make cars and scooters pull over and wait until it was done. They would also stop people from walking across the street. The funny thing is that they didn't say anything to grandma's or grandpa's that were crossing, but by hell if you were under 50 you were getting an ear full and usually sent back to were you started (do not pass go... do not collect $200)... It was great fun!!! - John dared me to go and try to cross because I'm white... I was too chicken. After all there were 3 police officers per intersection.