So let's take a quick trip down the yellow brick road...
We've had a few typhoons this summer. I think we're up to something like 5 or 6... lost count trying to swim to shore during the last one, it was a little intense. It sat just off center of the island for two days, passed directly over us for one day, decided it liked it so much here (unlike some of us) and circled back for one more day. There were areas that had rainfall of over 1300 mm of water... for those of you who are too lazy to figure it out, that's over 51 inches!! Dorothy needs a boat!!!
Of course we're idiots and we were out in the weather shopping for furniture (momma always said "stupid is as stupid does"... wait, that was Forrest's mom). What's a little rain? A little is not a big deal, lots of rain that you can see coming straight down the street like a bus was a different story. It was a little disturbing. We were walking along in the, well not exactly sun, but it wasn't raining either weather when you heard something... that pinging of water hitting the ground... except it sounded more like someone driving by through a stream of water. Then we looked up and literally saw sheets of rain raging towards us, like someone was pouring water out of a pitcher. (Now I know how ants feel when little boys try to pee on them.)
The fun thing about typhoons is to watch people try to hold on to their umbrella's while walking down the road. Now there isn't much use of an umbrella in a typhoon. The rain doesn't come straight down or even from one direction. It's raining more sideways and usually coming at you from more than one side at the same time, so an umbrella doesn't really help. Back to my fellow idiots... You see someone walking with their umbrella then suddenly turn the opposite direction they were just walking and grab on tight with both hands to their umbrella like they're having a tug of war. Now in a typhoon, an umbrella is more usefull as like say a... sail. It catches the wind quite well. So now said person is losing his tug of war match and skiing down the street while holding onto his umbrella. (And I am not exaggerating.) But, they still won't let go. It's great!!
In the end, a couple houses slid off the mountain - literally, and part of a four lane highway that was a bridge just fell away to the river below - cars and all. I think the news papers said about 10 people died and 12 were still missing. Most of these people lived in the mountains (more like large hills). Nothing much ever happens in the city except for a couple signs falling and what not.
This was the best picture I could get.... too much motion for the camera to focus.My baby isn't a baby any more. He lost his first tooth and his sisters didn't even have anything to do with. I was quite sad about that. Him losing his tooth, not sad that his sisters didn't help it along. And can I tell ya how terrified he was of the tooth fairy coming in our house to get his tooth. He told me he didn't want the money, he'd just keep his tooth. In the end it all worked out okay. (He reminds me more and more of the flying monkeys everyday.) Oh wait, did I say that outloud? He's quite the handful, but still my very loving little boy.
We also went to the park one day and they had little booths were the kids could make things (for free none the less). Here are a couple of things they made. They loved their kites!! In fact they went up to the roof to fly them. Ashton's kite had visions of grandure and leapt from the building to fly onto better places. (Oh how would that be?) Sorry... Anyway we now look for it daily when we go out anywhere. It doesn't matter what I tell him, he still holds out hope that it will come back on the wind. To be young and ignorant again. How would it be?
The girls could be equated to the good witch and bad witch... just depends on the day as to who is who...Run Forrest Run!!! Oh wait we're in Oz.... Run Toto Run!!!!
We have our computer back up, but lost everything on it. We're leaving the Emerald Palace and will more than likely be moving next week. Like I said, we won't have internet for a while if at all. Once we move, I'll blog and put pictures of the new house on so you can share with us on our "We're not in Kansas anymore" adventure.
And yes, I wish I was Dorothy and could click my heels together, because... "There's no place like home!!" Someone want to send me some of those glittery red shoes?
We love & miss everyone... Keep writing!!!!
xoxoxoxoxoxo click - click - click... (that was the shoes... ha ha)