Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gooble, Gooble... Glub, Glub

So in usual John fashion, he went totally out of his way to fix us Thanksgiving dinner. We bought the potatoes, yams, green beans, corn and rolls from just a regular store. The turkey we bought from Costco for $30 (US).... the cranberries we bought in some dark alleyway out of a wharehouse (you think I'm kidding?)... and the stuffing and gravy James and Linda sent to us. It was absolutely fabulous!!
He even plated it out for everyone...jealous?
Here are a couple of John's cousins that enjoyed Thanksgiving with us.

This is one of grandma's friends, she loves the kids... she bought them chocolate.

My son, the fashion model.

"Momma, why do you look like that?"

"Because after drinking this...."

"and this...."

"Momma looked like this!!"
And yes you are all welcome... it only cost me my pride to make you smile.

At least I didn't look like this!!

xoxoxoxo... We miss everyone!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You Say It's Your Birthday (da da da da da da) It's My Birthday Too! Yeah!

So as most of you know November is a busy birthday month. The kids were way excited even though they didn't get to have a birthday party with their friends. We went out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa on their birthday and then we got McDonalds and went to see Beverly Hills Chuhuahua that night.

My son has developed expensive taste. He now wants to eat crab, lobster, escargot, and cavier. I told him he better suck up more to his grandparents then. For my birthday we went to the subway station and ate noodles... classy aren't we?! My son was happy none the less.

Here's a couple pics of the b-day's...

Yes I am aware of how spoiled they are!!

(No! that wasn't just Jordan's...It was both their presents put together.... I don't spoil them that bad!!)

Grandma & Grandpa took us all out for lunch... yummm!!

Gotta do the FOB thing...

He just loves to have his picture taken!

1...2...3...blow!! (Wait for it...)

Mom!!! She blew out my candle...

Did not!!!

Yes you did!!!

I only blew out mine!! Just because you didn't blow hard enough!

Am not!! You are!!

etc. etc. etc. etc.

He, he, look what I got.

I think she likes it!!

I think HE likes it!

Finger lickin' good

Wow!! It must be really good!

Oooh, you're in sooo much trouble!!

My last day of class... yes I passed my finals even though my teacher told me that the speaking part of it was jen bu hao (really bad).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat My Pretty

Happy Halloween All...

We didn't get to go trick or treating this year, so we had our own little party at home. We still got dressed up, we colored pictures of pumpkins, witches and ghost and decorated the house, we ate candy, and we watched scary movies. It was a lot of fun. Ashton actually did get to go trick or treating at school. It's kinda cool. The kindergarten he attends went around the neighborhood and let the people know they would be coming so they could give out candy/cookies. I really like his new school. Within a month of going there he went from speaking hardly any Chinese to 1/2 of what he says is now in Chinese. Amazing huh?!! Wish I had that ability... My daughter now just looks at me when I 'try' to speak and shakes her head like she's saying "your sad, just sad, you should stop trying now". And when we get in the cab to go somewhere she always says "Here mom let me say it", like I'm embarrassing her or something.

We also went to a couple weddings this weekend. Janet (John's Sister) and her new husband Danny flew in for their reception. It was very beautiful. She was beautiful, he was handsome, my kids were out of control!! Actually they just acted like kids act at a wedding. They got to blow bubbles and man did they ever blow bubbles. They (not just them - all the kids) blew so many that the floor was slippery. Then they pleaded with Janet and Danny to stay overnight with them in their hotel room. Yeah, can't think of anything more romantic than your nieces and nephew spending the night with you. Janet and Danny were very sweet and let them. Who knows it may have just cost John's side of the family any further grandchildren. Now Janet won't ever want to have any after having mine.

Sometimes, you just have to laugh.

Isn't it so fun to throw flowers?

Wasn't she so beautiful.

No I didn't catch him by surprise, my son actually poised for the picture like this.