Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gooble, Gooble... Glub, Glub

So in usual John fashion, he went totally out of his way to fix us Thanksgiving dinner. We bought the potatoes, yams, green beans, corn and rolls from just a regular store. The turkey we bought from Costco for $30 (US).... the cranberries we bought in some dark alleyway out of a wharehouse (you think I'm kidding?)... and the stuffing and gravy James and Linda sent to us. It was absolutely fabulous!!
He even plated it out for everyone...jealous?
Here are a couple of John's cousins that enjoyed Thanksgiving with us.

This is one of grandma's friends, she loves the kids... she bought them chocolate.

My son, the fashion model.

"Momma, why do you look like that?"

"Because after drinking this...."

"and this...."

"Momma looked like this!!"
And yes you are all welcome... it only cost me my pride to make you smile.

At least I didn't look like this!!

xoxoxoxo... We miss everyone!!

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