Friday, August 15, 2008

Tradition Here, Tradition There, E, I, E, I, Ohhhhhh

I didn't have a picture of a place this time, so we decided to play The Price Is Right... Good Luck

So as we settle into our new life, we are learning more about the traditions that surround us. As with all cultures, they are based on folklore and tradition. Now that is something that the Chinese do not lack in. I drive John's cousin nuts because I sound like a four year old always asking "why?... why?... why?". I drive John nuts because I sit and stare at people and what they're doing. No Mother, some things never change... Dad would love it here. I just sit and watch people out the windows, or while walking down the sidewalk, or on the bus, or on the subway..... I figure I get stared at enough, I can stare too damn it!!

Back to the subject... This month is considered "Ghost Month". It occurs on the seventh lunar month of the year. (Yes, that does mean that it could change months from year to year.) It is somewhat similar to The Day of the Dead that the Hispanic community celebrates, only it lasts a whole month. There are a few different takes on it, but the basis is the same. This is the month that the ghost are let out of hell, or the in between world. People put out offerings of food, drink, money,(no not real money! -- paper money) etc., and light incense. They do this for various reasons. They make offerings so that the lost spirits may find their way back into heaven (for lack of better word) and have the chance to be reborn and right any wrongs they may have done in a previous life. They are also asking that the spirits bless and help them to be healthy and prosperous and not to harm them in any way. And lastly, they make offerings to their ancestors to help and guide them through their life. And on the last day of the month, the gates are closed, locking all the spirits away. So how many of you want to do this with your kids? I think it would be fabulous personally.

So being as we live next to a temple, we've been able to watch and take the whole experience in. I thought I would give you a tour of some of the temple next to us. It is incredible. Everything is decorated, the walls, the floor, the ceiling.

This is the view from the front, it's three stories tall
The following are pictures of some of the Gods or Goddesses that the temple is home to...

These were some of the offerings that were put out...

Some of the traditions that we brought along with us... "Moody Morning Madness"... This is how my children bond in the morning. They see who can be more ornery. It's great fun!!!

Another great past-time tradition... hanging your clothes out to dry. We finally got our washer and dryer hooked up. We don't know what happened to our dryer, but it doesn't work... but at least we have a washer bigger than a bread box!!

Another great tradition... keeping all the things that your children make and bring home from school. I don't know if I'll have enough room...

Ashton made this for Father's Day... It's his dad... sometimes I see John like this too...Casey & Jordan did the following... lots of clay... but they are fairly talented don't ya think?You're looking at the stick pelican in the middle... (Just in case you couldn't see it)And what would school be without the classic sock puppet and clay bowls? I was actually quite impressed with these... they made them out of string...

And a tradition that will never die... Cops and Robbers!!!

As always... We Miss and Love you all!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Yin Family!
If you guys can get to the internt, here is Alec's football teams blog.

He plays guard because he's huge! Alec is also the youngest player on his team!

I love the pictures you post on here keep it up! We're all doing pretty well here. Same old, same old!
Daycare is full again! (I'm exhausted, I think I'm getting old.) JIm is still an electrician.
Jeff i sthe assistant manager at Astro Burger. Lisa is still looking for a job. Maxamus and Sumo come visit every weekend! Samantha just had surgery on another cyst but otherwise is still getting !'s in school. Jordyn is Tall.....We think she'll reach sissy's height! Jordyn and Sissy are going on a Mexico cruise in June when Jordyn goes on tour next year. Whitney is getting good grades and playing soccer. Alec is hating football one day and loving it the next. (He hates school) See... like I said same old stuff....Love and miss you guys!